Healthy tips to take care this summer for people with diabetes - Asianet Newsable

News Bureau April 20, 2022, 12:57 pm News

Extreme heat can dehydrate the body quickly in diabetic people. A balanced diet can cool it down effectively.

Extreme heat can dehydrate the body quickly in diabetic people. A balanced diet can cool it down effectively. 

Healthy tips to take care this summer for people with diabetes - adt


New Delhi, First Published Apr 20, 2022, 6:27 PM IST | Last Updated Apr 20, 2022, 6:28 PM IST

Here's an alert for people with diabetes, the scorching heat dehydrates more easily and quickly than others, causing a rise in blood sugar levels. The body fails to cool down effectively, damaging blood vessels and nerves, thus affecting one's sweat glands. Extreme heat can change your body's use of insulin, making regular monitoring of blood sugar levels important.

Keeping the body well hydrated, choosing a well effective juice, right adequate diet to control the glucose and having food on time, full of nutrition all these measures will cool down your body and is a must for people with diabetes. 

Following the Hindustan Times report, Dr Meghana Pasi, Nutrition Consultant for ArogyaWorld's, MyThali programme, said extreme heat could dry the body, adding to the problem. High blood sugar levels can also be caused by dehydration and a lack of water. As a result, in addition to keeping track of your eating habits and choosing healthy food choices, staying hydrated will also help keep blood glucose levels in a healthy range over the summer.

Here are a few suggestions:

1) Select healthy carbs: Pick non-starchy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and beans, low-fat milk and milk products, and low-fat milk and milk products have a low Glycemic Index (GI) and cause glucose to be released slowly into the bloodstream. Refined sugars and flours should be avoided.

2) Keeping up with fibre: Fiber lowers blood sugar levels by increasing the time for sugars to be digested and absorbed into the bloodstream. Fibre is abundant in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and legumes.

3) Fruits: Fruits are not only helpful for quenching thirst and feeling refreshed in hot weather, but they are also beneficial for nutrition. Summer fruits and vegetables, including watermelon, tomatoes, spinach, cucumber, celery, berries, and bell peppers, are high in fibre, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants like lycopene and anthocyanins, in addition to providing adequate hydration. More than 90% of watermelon and cucumbers are water.

4) Eat Mangoes but in moderation: Mangoes can be enjoyed by diabetics, although portion quantities should be kept in mind. Fruits should be consumed in small amounts. To lower the GI, replace roti and rice and include protein sources such as legumes, chickpeas, peas, beans, paneer, fish, and eggs.

5) A balance thali: Including cereals, grains, dal, fish, eggs, veggies and curd in the right portions to make a healthy thali. 

6) Don't consume carbs at once: This will cause the advanced release of sugar in the blood and spike blood sugar levels.

7) More meal options: Include multigrain chapatti wraps stuffed with chickpeas and bell peppers, chana chat with tomatoes and cucumbers, cucumber sticks with hummus, watermelon-cucumber-paneer-lettuce-olive-oil salad, and spinach-corn-hung curd grilled sandwich in the meal.

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